Buy Now – Collect Later
Our Buy Now – Collect Later service is the ultimate in convenient duty-free shopping. Shop in the international departure terminal before you leave.
Enjoy your trip while we look after your goods in a safe place and collect your items from our store in international arrivals on your return.
Cape Town International Airport and King Shaka International Airport adhere to regional alcohol trading by-laws.
Alcohol may only be traded (including pre-orders and collections) between certain hours. Please see below for further details.
Cape Town International Airport
Departures: 07h00 – 23h00 (7am to 11pm) Monday to Saturday
Arrivals: 08h00 – 20h00 (8am to 8pm) Monday to Friday
08h00 – 17h00 (8am to 5pm) Saturday
No alcohol may be sold on Sundays, Good Friday and Christmas Day
King Shaka International Airport
Departures and Arrivals: 08h00 – 20h00 (8am to 8pm) Monday to Friday
08h00 – 17h00 (8am to 5pm) Saturday
10h00 – 15h30 (10am to 3.30pm) Sundays and public holidays.
If you have any queries please email us.